
I've been trying to get kmail configured for pop and smpt access to my
gmail account.
Pop access works fine, but there's something wrong with my smtp config.
I keep on getting the following error message:

Sending failed:
The server did not accept the sender address.
The server responded: "5.5.4 Syntax error "

I tried using TLS encryption and LOGIN authentication for port
465..that didn't work
Then I tried SSL and LOGIN with port 587, this didn'/t work either!
These are the specified parameters on gmail.com's pop and smtp
configuration guide.
Can anyone who has succedded using kmail with gmail kindly help me out?

I'm using suse 9.0, kmail v1.5.4 (KDE3.1.4), the standard stuff which
comes with suse 9.0.

Please help me out.

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