> I think that is not possible, since you would have > to pay the entire amount > and then apply for a refund from MS. Here's an > example of how it works: > > http://www.netcraft.com.au/geoffrey/toshiba.html > > Regards > Steve
Thanks a lot Steve for the link. This is what I wanted. Can anyone let us know if anyone has the experience in India of getting a refund? A dream option would be something like below :) --> Me: Your systems are quite nice. But I would like to hv a machine w/o MS OS. I hv SuSE linux CDs w/ me. AMD Salesperson: As you wish sir. We will remove the hdd and fit an unpartitioned hdd on the system. But beware that we would not be providing any s/w suppport. Me: That's fine. As long as you would provide h/w support, that's fine w/ me. AMD SP: OK. (The AMD people changes the hdd for me and I go home w/ the system.) Better would be. AMD Salesperson: As you wish sir. We will provide you with SuSE linux system. You will hv to pay us the cost for SuSE linux. Me: That's gr8! ~A. ___________________________________________________________ ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun! http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) List Information: http://plug.org.in/mailing-list/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.