--- Sumeet Madhukar Moghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Friday 05 November 2004 11:48, A G wrote: > > > Thanks a lot Steve for the link. This is what I > > wanted. Can anyone let us know if anyone has the > > experience in India of getting a refund? > > I tried a lot... But eventually I ended up giving up > like Geoffrey almost did > in Steve's example. I had to go from Acer to > Microsoft to Acer to Microsoft > and back and forth till I didnt know what to do. And > finally I decided to > give in.
I dont know what was the communication between you n acer n ms. But consider that if all the EULAs etc etc hold good like the above case, I wonder what would a stand like "I will pirate your software if you dont strip down the MS/return my money for the computer." would hv done. Also you can mail/spam all the MS and acer support team that you find on their site telling them about your case, giving steve's case as a reference. (e.g. I wanted some info abt. transmeta chips. Found the site to be pathetically designed. No section like contact us or something like that. So mailed my query to all the directors/managers/sales reps of all the countries that I would find on their site. I got a prompt reply! :)) > > Me: Your systems are quite nice. But I would like > to > > hv a machine w/o MS OS. I hv SuSE linux CDs w/ me. > > AMD Salesperson: As you wish sir. We will remove > the > > hdd and fit an unpartitioned hdd on the system. > But > <snipped> > Obviously it isnt the issue of software support. As > it turns out the PC would > definitely consist of a winmodem making which work > would be an issue to > tackle on Linux. Also, whether AMD would be willing > to sell the PCs at a > stripped down cost, on basis of the removal of > Windows would be a question > that needs answering.... I think they hv a tied up w/ one of the linux distro, not sure. Maybe they can say: We hv the machines in 2 types: 1. blah-blah-blah h/w combination + WinXP at Rs. 15000/- 2. blah-blah-blah h/w combination + (eg SuSE linux) at Rs. 10000/- Please dont take my question in a -ve way, but I was wondering why a linux techie would ever go for a branded PC along w/ ms windows preinstalled. I find that even people who use win os, buy a non branded assembled one. (Just for the info... There are 3 wholesellers that I know. 1. gv sales in mittal complex in camp. 2. link or something like that in fornt on shaniwarwada. 3. Data quest behind pune stock exch. ) ___________________________________________________________ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun! http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) List Information: http://plug.org.in/mailing-list/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.