

> Do try this if u haven't already. Whenever u insert an empty CD to be
> written(In fact, even when u compile the CD-R project), the size is
> shown by a horizontal bar in the lowest part of the window. U will
> generally get a popup menu(on the icon of a CD just after the bar)
> giving options for the size there &/or get the size from the CD itself
> with one of the options available.

Tried this, didn't work.

> P.S.:- The best option would be to e-mail the authors of K3B. From my
> own experience, they're usually very prompt with the reply.

Since there was no such problem with k3b 0.11 which comes with SuSE
9.1, I guess they have fixed this problem, if at all this is a problem
with k3b. I better do more research on this before bothering them! :-)


> That is because VCD's are not in ISO 9660 format.
I still don't understand... The VCD was on a CD-RW. I simply made a
.img image of it.
Why should this increase the size? Where does ISO9660 come in the picture?
Could this increase in size be because of some formatting done while
creating .img images, instead of simple bit-by-bit imaging? Is this
.img format specific to k3b? Wait, don't fire at me so soon, I'll
search the web for this now! :-D

> Try loop mounting the .img files.
I tried that, didn't work.

kapil:/home/TTux # mount -o loop /data2/movies/lakshya/1/k3b_0.img
mount: you must specify the filesystem type

kapil:/home/TTux # mount -o loop -t iso9660
/data2/movies/lakshya/1/k3b_0.img /media/diskimage/
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,
       or too many mounted file systems
(okay, now I know iso9660 won't work! What format does a vcd use? I
mean, what agrument [-t <filetype>] should I pass to mount for
mounting a vcd? Does mount support mounting of vcds in the first

Kindly help me figure out this thing, and correct me whereever I'm wrong! :-)


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