On Fri Oct 15  5:22 , Viraj Paripatyadar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

>P.S.:- The best option would be to e-mail the authors of K3B. From my
>own experience, they're usually very prompt with the reply.

Yes they are very propmpt with the reply, but is the reply helpful? It wasn't so
in my case. I faced a problem with burning Audio CD's from MP3 using the latest
stable version (0.11). The problem was so bad that my m/c needed to be hard
rebooted. I managed to retrieve the k3b debug messages and sent them to
Sebastian. He blamed the whole issue on a buggy 2.6.8 kernel (Distro FC2). I am
yet to try it out on RHEL3ES & the original FC2 kernel so that I can know for sure.
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