By the way, the user might think he got it wright when there is plenty of output, $ systemctl show 'XXXXXdev-disk-by\x2dpartuuid-000ed2c3\x2d05.device'|wc 34 35 848
But in fact he can get even more... $ systemctl show 'dev-disk-by\x2dpartuuid-000ed2c3\x2d05.device'|wc 40 51 1219 MB> That's a separate issue. I'm not entirely sure why MB> systemctl status does-not-exist.service MB> and MB> systemctl status does-not-exist.device MB> differ regarding their behaviour. You'd probably need to ask upstream MB> about that. Maybe you could report that for me. I don't know about any of that. Anyway I don't understand what all the escaping dash is about. If it is like shell options, then only require escaping it after a space. If it is a math operator, then require $(( )) like shell or something. Else it is just like having to write %2D in URLs, when in the end it shouldn't matter. _______________________________________________ Pkg-systemd-maintainers mailing list