Control: reassgin -1 molly-guard
Control: found -1 0.6.4

Am 18.03.2017 um 19:11 schrieb Francois Marier:
> Control: reassign -1 systemd-sysv
>> This looks like a genuine bug in molly-guard,
> Yes and that's tracked in bug #837928.
> The present bug is specifically about the interaction between
> molly-guard and systemd-sysv.
>> so this RC bug should be assigned to molly-guard.
>> Adding a Breaks to systemd-sysv is backwards.
> If the underlying bug was going to be fixed in time for stretch, then
> sure, that would be ideal. However, that's not going to happen in time.
> The breaks/conflict seems like the best option to resolve this issue
> without removing molly-guard entirely from the release.

What exactly is "the issue"? How can it be reproduced? Why is it
specific to systemd-sysv and does not happen with sysvinit-core?
Why does this conflicts have to be in systemd-sysv (and not say

I'm reassigning this back to molly-guard. This needs to be properly
investigated by the molly-guard maintainers first and fixed there.
This is work you need to be doing, not offloading it to someone else.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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