Am 18.03.2017 um 19:11 schrieb Francois Marier:
> Control: reassign -1 systemd-sysv
>> This looks like a genuine bug in molly-guard,
> Yes and that's tracked in bug #837928.

And why is that bug not treated as RC then?

> The present bug is specifically about the interaction between
> molly-guard and systemd-sysv.

No, it's in the broken dpkg-divert handling of molly-guard. You can't
blame systemd-sysv here.

>> so this RC bug should be assigned to molly-guard.
>> Adding a Breaks to systemd-sysv is backwards.
> If the underlying bug was going to be fixed in time for stretch, then
> sure, that would be ideal. However, that's not going to happen in time.
> The breaks/conflict seems like the best option to resolve this issue
> without removing molly-guard entirely from the release.

Well, if molly-guard does not work with the default init system, it
doesn't seem like it's in a releasable state and it should indeed be
removed from stretch.
As such this RC bugs needs to be assigned to molly-guard and not
systemd. Or #837928 needs to be made RC, in which point this bug report
against systemd-sysv is pointless.

Adding a Conflicts to systemd might even be considered a policy violation.

Asking the release team for their input.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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