On Sun, Nov 13, 2016, at 07:10 AM, Michael Biebl wrote:
> Hm, I'm not sure if shipping 70-debian-uaccess.rules in the udev
> package was a good idea in the first place. Imho this file should be
> maintained by the libu2f-host package, and apparently it already ships
> a rules file for that

I would argue that the rules file should be shipped wherever standard
device support stuff is shipped (I think that is udev, though anything
else installed as "standard" would be fine).

libu2f-host is not required to use U2F devices. A supporting web browser
is all that's needed, typically Chromium etc, and soon Firefox.

Including it makes these devices work out-of-the-box, which is what
people expect. Requiring a library package to be installed that isn't
even used just raises the bar unnecessarily.

(just like every other device I don't own but have udev rules
installed for).

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