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On Tue, 17 May 2016 17:43:45 +1000 Robert Norris <>
> Package: udev
> Version: 229-6
> Severity: wishlist
> 70-debian-uaccess.rules includes rules for Yubico U2F devices. There are
> other U2F devices coming onto the market, and it would be good to
> include those too.

Hm, I'm not sure if shipping 70-debian-uaccess.rules in the udev package
was a good idea in the first place. Imho this file should be maintained
by the libu2f-host package, and apparently it already ships a rules file
for that

Martin, can we please drop debian/extra/rules/70-debian-uaccess.rules
and reassign this bug to libu2f-host?

I see that the rules file currently shipped by libu2f-host0 is using
group plugdev, but that is a bug in the package. It should have a
build-depends on udev, so it installs the correct version:

PKG_CHECK_MODULES([UDEV], [udev >= 188],

The package should install 70-u2f.rules and not 70-old-u2f.rules
Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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