Michael Biebl wrote:
> Am 08.10.2015 um 17:20 schrieb Julian Andres Klode:
> > I'm wondering if it makes sense to have some sort of systemd
> > meta package. I recently wondered very long where machinectl
> > was when I wanted to try machinectl shell...
> We added machinectl to the package description, so it should turn up
> when running apt-cache search machinectl. We tried to do that for the
> other split off package, systemd-journal-remote, as well.
> > Or have a systemd-core package containing only what's needed
> > to bring up a system, and make the systemd package larger.
> We discussed that at debconf, making systemd a meta-package depending on
> all sub-packages.
> This would have meant shuffling around a lot of conffiles and we were
> worried a bit about the upgrade path, so we decided against it back then.

What about a systemd-all metapackage or similar, without moving anything
around?  It'd be nice to have a metapackage that pulls in any components
split out into other packages; in particular, having that package
installed would ensure that if the package gets further components split
out in the future, the split-out packages will get installed too to
mitigate that.

I saw in the log for #744964 a mention of wanting to only go through the
NEW queue once for the next round of new binary packages; would you
consider adding systemd-all?

- Josh Triplett

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