On 8 October 2015 at 12:50, Michael Biebl <bi...@debian.org> wrote:
> Am 08.10.2015 um 17:20 schrieb Julian Andres Klode:
>> I'm wondering if it makes sense to have some sort of systemd
>> meta package. I recently wondered very long where machinectl
>> was when I wanted to try machinectl shell...
> We added machinectl to the package description, so it should turn up
> when running apt-cache search machinectl. We tried to do that for the
> other split off package, systemd-journal-remote, as well.
>> Or have a systemd-core package containing only what's needed
>> to bring up a system, and make the systemd package larger.
> We discussed that at debconf, making systemd a meta-package depending on
> all sub-packages.
> This would have meant shuffling around a lot of conffiles and we were
> worried a bit about the upgrade path, so we decided against it back then.

Nod. Although there will have to be shuffling around of at least all
the dbus policies, no?


Felipe Sateler

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