>>>>> "Helmut" == Helmut Grohne <hel...@subdivi.de> writes:

    Helmut> Thank you for giving an example. It helps better me
    Helmut> understand what you mean with setting policy, but I remain
    Helmut> unconvinced that this poses a significant enough difference
    Helmut> that we would not require a super majority as this policy
    Helmut> has the same effect as overriding systemd maintainers.

I don't think that matters.
I think what matters is which power the TC uses to make a decision.

I often think that setting policy  will make it clear what maintainers
should do and if they don't choose to follow that policy should make a
decision about an override later very easy.

I would encourage the TC not to set policy that really is about one
package, because that does appear to be an end-run around the super
majority requirement in some cases.
But when a requirement  actually legitimately crosses a boundary between
packages, that falls well within the scope of policy in my mind, even if
the policy is choosing a default implementation and describing how
non-default implementation behave.

I don't remember if it was done under the policy making power, but I
think it would have been entirely reasonable  for the TC to decide the
default init system for (was it jessie? stretch?) as a matter of policy.

There have been cases where the secretary has explicitly asked the TC to
describe which power they are using in a resolution and there has been
deference given to the TC's decision about what power it was using and
what the super majority requirement was for that power was in those

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