
2015-06-23 13:59 GMT-07:00 Andreas Cadhalpun <andreas.cadhal...@googlemail.com>:
> Hi Matteo,
> On 23.06.2015 21:51, Matteo F. Vescovi wrote:
>> On 2015-06-23 at 17:56 (CEST), Bálint Réczey wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> Is there anything left to be fixed before we can start the transition?
>> Yes, the total disappearance of FTBFS in [1].
> Most of those FTBFS are completely unrelated to this transition.
> Thus the affected packages will either get fixed by their maintainers
> or auto-removed from testing, totally independently of the transition
> to FFmpeg.
> Only gpac, gst-libav1.0 and taoframework would FTBFS due to the
> transition. The first two can be fixed at any time (patches exist),
> but taoframework hardcodes the sonames and thus can only be updated
> after the transition has started.
>> If I was a Release Team member, I wouldn't allow anything to happen
>> before all that mess is fixed.
> Calling this a mess is a little bit exaggerated, when comparing
> with previous Libav transitions...
>> Feel free to retry a call for transition once the list is empty.
> It's quite unreasonable to expect this list to get empty. It hasn't
> been empty at any point during the past year and I don't expect
> gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg will ever get fixed. (That aside, taoframework
> will always be on the list, as it hardcodes the sonames...)
> Patches for all FTBFS issues caused by the transition to FFmpeg
> are available/trivial, so the affected packages could be NMUed,
> once the transition starts.
> This should be all preparation the Release Team could possibly want.
I have prepared the upload for gpac in git which fixes the FTBFS for
both Libav and FFmpeg. Alessio or I will upload it.
The other reverse deps are there for refence only. They are broken for
reasons not related to this transition which I now marked accordingly.

If you find anything to fix related to the transition, comments are
still welcome. Please check the new experimental banch in ffmpeg's
packaging repo as well.


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