Control: tags -1 -newcomer

Hi Detrick,

thank you for your bug report!

Am Donnerstag, den 21.05.2015, 13:35 -0400 schrieb Detrick Merz: 
> Tags: newcomer

The newcomer tag is meant for bugs that are easy enough for new
contributors to pick up. I don't think this is the case here,
honestly. ;)

> I was finally able to get it working again by reverting to libmp3lame0
> v3.99.5+repack1-3.

Phew, a lot has changed between this revision and the one in Jessie.

Since the protection error seems to come from the library, are you able
to reproduce it using the "lame" frontend from the package of the same
name? And if yes, would you be able to rebuild the package with debug
symbols in order to run it with gdb and produce a backtrace (note to
myself: TODO add lame-dbg package!)?

Sorry I cannot be more helpful than demanding all these thing from you
at this point. :/

Hope this will help.



PS: I will be mostly offline for the next week or so...

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