On Mon, 2010-08-16 at 09:38 +0200, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
> On 2010-08-16 03:31, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> >>
> >> I'm not a pd expert, but if I install some extensions, I expect to be
> >> able to use them right away, without having to invoke pd with special
> >> args. I'm getting the impression that we are not living up to that
> >> expectation.
> > 
> > You can use them right away the way they are being installed right now.
> > Just like in python when you install a library, you still need to tell
> > it to "import" it before using it.  In Pd its similar, but messier.
> > There is the [import] and [declare] objects for doing this in the Pd
> > patches themselves, and there is the -lib command line option.
> and of course you can tell the interpreter to load certain libraries on
> startup by the means of a preference system (this is most likely the
> most commonly used case).
> but it seems like the README.Debian is indeed a bit confusing; maybe
> someone with better control of the english language could rephrase it
> (ideally somebody with good Pd-knowledge like hans).
> the reason why this info is in README.Debian and not in (e.g.) README
> is, that upstream's README does not include this information (mea culpa).
> the reason why it ought to be mentioned somewhere, is that (upstream)
> zexy is "special" in the way, that is a library consisting of both
> binary and interpreter files, and Pd handles these 2 kinds differently.
> that's why i make all the fuzz about "-path" and "-lib"
> mfgasdr
> IOhannes

I don't see why this is Debian-specific though.  It really is an
upstream issue, this should be documented as part of zexy, not Debian.


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