
|--==> On Sun, 4 Apr 2010 15:56:24 +0200, Adrian Knoth 
<a...@drcomp.erfurt.thur.de> said:


  AK> What I've seen in the team so far: make it work. Besides this, there are
  AK> no to few rules.

  AK> We don't have a "please beginners" policy.

Totally. The only strong points we have as team are listed here


and they are pretty packaging-tool-agnostic (re CDBS/DH7/whatever). We
have a lot of packages to care of and limited resources (it's almost all
volunteer work), so I think it makes sense to let whoever gets the job
done decide about how to do it, as long as it is compliant with the
Debian Policy and the few guidelines above.

Btw, thanks a lot Jonas and Adrian for pushing jack2->unstable forward.



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