Control: forwarded -1

On 05/04/2016 10:40 AM, Bas Couwenberg wrote:
> There is currently no explicit support for SAGA >= 2.2.4. There is an
> outstanding issue in the upstream issue tracker about changes required
> for SAGA 2.24:

The upstream issue was just rejected stating:

 This known issue with SAGA. SAGA devs break API in every minor version
 making maintenance really hard.

Further discussion is this issue:

> With the frequent API breakage in new SAGA releases, and the lack of
> manpower in the QGIS project to keep the SAGA processing plugin updated,
> I remain sceptical of our ability to support SAGA in QGIS.
> I'd like to hear Johans opinion on SAGA support in QGIS.

Not updating SAGA to newer upstream releases when we have a working
QGIS/SAGA combination is not a very appealing option. It does seem to me
the best way to have a working combination in stable without the need
for additional repositories (backports or 3rd party).

If the SAGA developers were to adopt LTS releases, this would greatly
getting those versions supported in QGIS. We can then target those
releases for inclusion in stable.

In the mean time there is not much we as distribution maintainers can do
about this issue, unless we stop keeping SAGA current to allow QGIS to
catch up or actively port the SAGA Processing support in QGIS for every
new SAGA release.

@Johan, what can you tell us about this issue from the SAGA point of view?

Kind Regards,


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