
That's awesome. Thank you very much, Alex!

> On 6 Jan 2024, at 06:48, Alexander Burger <picolisp@software-lab.de> wrote:
> Hi Dmitry,
>> Is this newsletter alive?:)
> Yes, just not so noisy :)
>> I'm playing around with `native` and ZeroMQ and found a curious behaviour.  
>>    (unless (fork)
>>      (wait 2000)
>>      (bye))
>>    (setq Context (native "libzmq.so" "zmq_ctx_new" 'P))
>>    (setq ZMQ_REP 4)
>>    (setq Socket (native "libzmq.so" "zmq_socket" 'P Context ZMQ_REP))
>>    (native "libzmq.so" "zmq_bind" 'I Socket "tcp://*:5555")
>>    (buf
>>     Buffer 10
>>     (prinl "Waiting for messages")
>>     (when (= -1 (native "libzmq.so" "zmq_recv" 'I Socket Buffer 10 0))
>>       (prinl (pack "Error: " (errno)))))
> This looks good.
>> The `errno` is 4 (which is signal interrupt as i understand).
> Yes. EINTR is 4 on most systems. You can see it with
>   : (sysdefs "errno")
>   -> EACCES
>   : EINTR
>   -> 4
> or (vi "@lib/sysdefs").
>> My assumption here is that `bye` throws some signal? Why else would it affect
>> zeromq in the parent process?
>> Actually, while writing this I found out about SIGCHLD which is apparently
>> sent to parent on child's exit so I guess zmq_recv gets interrupted by that
>> for some reason?
> Absolutely correct. The child sends a SIGCHLD signal, which must be handled or
> ignored.
> I don't have libzmq at the moment and cannot test it, but I think it should be
> something like
>   (while (lt0 (native "libzmq.so" "zmq_recv" 'I Socket Buffer 10 0))
>      (unless (== EINTR (errno))
>         (quit (errno) "Signal") ) )
>> P.S. completely offtopic but since I'm here. I just noticed that semicolons
>> aren't treated as comments. Why?
> Comments in PicoLisp are # or #{...}#.
>> Can it be enabled? Otherwise my Emacs' lisp-mode comment/uncomment function 
>> is
>> useless and no comment highlight either.
> There is no built-in way to change it. There are some Emacs libs for PicoLisp,
> but I don't use Emacs and cannot be helpful here.
> ☺/ A!ex
> -- 
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