
Is this newsletter alive?:)

Disclaimer: I'm not very familiar with system programming and POSIX

I'm playing around with `native` and ZeroMQ and found a curious behaviour.  

    (unless (fork)
      (wait 2000)

    (setq Context (native "libzmq.so" "zmq_ctx_new" 'P))
    (setq ZMQ_REP 4)
    (setq Socket (native "libzmq.so" "zmq_socket" 'P Context ZMQ_REP))
    (native "libzmq.so" "zmq_bind" 'I Socket "tcp://*:5555")

     Buffer 10
     (prinl "Waiting for messages")
     (when (= -1 (native "libzmq.so" "zmq_recv" 'I Socket Buffer 10 0))
       (prinl (pack "Error: " (errno)))))

Basically, the main process sets up a server and waiting for a message and the 
child process simply waits for a bit and exits with `bye`.

The `errno` is 4 (which is signal interrupt as i understand).
The waiting in the child process is important because if it exits before zeromq 
code, everything's fine and the server is patiently waiting.

My assumption here is that `bye` throws some signal? Why else would it affect 
zeromq in the parent process?

Just looking for some explanation. Maybe even the proper way to resolve this.

Actually, while writing this I found out about SIGCHLD which is apparently sent 
to parent on child's exit so I guess zmq_recv gets interrupted by that for some 
reason? Weird. Can anyone confirm that's what I'm seeing?

P.S. completely offtopic but since I'm here. I just noticed that semicolons 
aren't treated as comments. Why? Can it be enabled? Otherwise my Emacs' 
lisp-mode comment/uncomment function is useless and no comment highlight either.

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