Hello I will give a presentation with discussion via the UK smalltalk online gathering next wednesday.
https://www.meetup.com/ukstug/events/293473947/ MeetupStephane Ducasse - Pharo: a vision implemented step by step, Wed, M...For our May presentation, Stephane Ducasse will present the vision behind Pharo and how that is been implemented incrementally across multiple releases. In Stef's words: " For our May presentation, Stephane Ducasse will present the vision behind Pharo and how that is been implemented incrementally across multiple releases. In Stef's words: "The vision of Pharo is based on three pillars: • First we want to make sure that Pharo is used to develop complex and robust systems (by complex we means multiple millions lines of code or objects). • Second we want Pharo to be a modular system that can be versatile (Pharo on iot, on large servers, in the web browser….) • Third Pharo should be an evolvable system that can adapt to new needs (modular tools, first class slot, new debuggers, packages…). Stef