Hi all.\ \ I added a 'dynamic' image to the TinyBootstrap repo. It is a tiny image containing a pre-installed code loader. This code loader allows you to load additional classes and methods and (optionally) save this in the image. Code (in the form of a class method) can be executed from the command line. Once the image has the required content and functions as expected, it can be 'fused' in which case the code loader is removed from the image and only the defined functionality remains. To allow code to be installed from a regular Pharo 10 image, a small TinyTools repo is available which allows generation of code files. It also contains a small 'Inspector' class which simply prints out all classes (and optionally methods) which are present in the image. Installing this class is explained in the TinyTools readme.\ \ The encoder/decoder combi used is an adapted version of the encoder/decoder in CodeParadise which are used to send code and objects between browser and application server. \ \ Have fun Smalltalking to tiny images! \ [https://github.com/ErikOnBike/TinyTools](https://github.com/ErikOnBike/TinyTools "https://github.com/ErikOnBike/TinyTools")\ [https://github.com/ErikOnBike/TinyBootstrap/blob/main/README.md#dynamic-image](https://github.com/ErikOnBike/TinyBootstrap/blob/main/README.md#dynamic-image "https://github.com/ErikOnBike/TinyBootstrap/blob/main/README.md#dynamic-image")