El dom, 21 ago 2022 a las 17:29, stephane.duca...@free.fr (<
stephane.duca...@free.fr>) escribió:

> Hi santiago
> I just learned that and I’m really so sad.
> Do you know who we should call?
I tried with the chinese and taiwanese diplomatics. So far they are not
really usefull.

> Does she have a contact point?

She can be called to her phone number, but we are trying to avoid that to
make her battery to last longer.

> Do you know the taiwanese ambassy at Paris.

I do. I tried with them they helped me to get in contact with budapest
contact, but is kind of a dead end: "we cannot do any thing at least is
life threatening"

I send you in private the titre de sejour de  angela! she still got it

> S
> > On 21 Aug 2022, at 15:41, Santiago Bragagnolo <
> santiagobragagn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hello everyone, my wife Angela was going to assist esug this year as a
> student volunteer. She has been stopped in the airport since the
> information in the ambassy website "was outdated" (really really dickmove.
> i am starting to hate) and she was actually needing a visa.
> > By the time being she was set into a cell-dorm with only her phone and
> no electric-socket to charge (so soon incommunicated). She was told to be
> sent back to paris in 3 days. Meaning that she is going to be in jail for 3
> days because the ambassy is not able to keep their website updated.
> >
> > 1st- know that she is not attending.
> > 2nd- please if you know someway to help contact me.
> >
> > Thanks all.
> >
> > santiago
> >

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