Hello Sasa, we got finally Gordana to talk. Sorry to not keep the update as it happens. I am doing 100 things at the same time.
Ill let you know if we need the skill again. Thanks a lot. Update: I got the emergencies from taiwanese consulate in paris and budapest (there is not in belgrade, not sure why). Normally the consulate in budapest is in charge of these things. They told me that the taiwanese passport is not accepted as a valid traveling document. What is kind of a problem. We are trying to get with the chinese ambassy to see if they can deal with the problem. Keep you updated as possible El dom, 21 ago 2022 a las 16:54, Sasa Prokic (<prokic_s...@yahoo.com>) escribió: > > Hi Santiago, > I am Serbian/Canadian from Serbia and I could probably help with > translation. Not sure who could I talk to if your wife is kept in prison. > Do not have any experience with it. > What was your idea? > > Saša > > > Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android > <https://go.onelink.me/107872968?pid=InProduct&c=Global_Internal_YGrowth_AndroidEmailSig__AndroidUsers&af_wl=ym&af_sub1=Internal&af_sub2=Global_YGrowth&af_sub3=EmailSignature> > > On Sun., Aug. 21, 2022 at 4:18 p.m., Santiago Bragagnolo > <santiagobragagn...@gmail.com> wrote: > _______________________________________________ > Esug-list mailing list -- esug-l...@lists.esug.org > To unsubscribe send an email to esug-list-le...@lists.esug.org > >