Hi Antoine, For some reason your message below didn't come to me, I just "stumbled" across it.
Thanks for the link to your work, it looks interesting. For now, I'm focused on the "plumbing", and this will be a great help with getting the FFI library going and I'll share my thoughts along the way! I've just started porting my dusty VisualWorks MidiAccessLayer that utilises PortMidi and RtMidi. Once I've got it in shape I'll be glad to share it with you. Cheers, Stewart Hello Stewart, Indeed I am working on PortMidi C library binding on Pharo. For now, the code I wrote contains an object that represents the C library and you can use its methods to try some MIDI stuff. I added several layers to these methods to make it easier to use. You can also create what I call scores which are sequences of notes and play them either separately or add them in an object called Prestation that is able to play several scores at the same time. You can find the code on GitHub : https://github.com/pharo-contributions/pharo-sound . Do not hesitate to tell me what you think about it ! Antoine On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 2:23 AM stephane ducasse <stephane.duca...@inria.fr> wrote: > Antoine can you reply to Stewart? > > > On 16 May 2022, at 01:03, Stewart MacLean <stew...@xtra.co.nz> wrote: > > Hi Santiago, > > Thanks for this. My primary interest at the moment is interfacing with > Midi. > > The sound stuff looks interesting, even if it is not quite my cup of tea > music wise :) > > How far has your student got with the PortMidi bindings? As a first step, > as I can get a precompiled library via homebrew I thought I'd start by > migrating my VisualWorks PortMidi bindings - are they able to share this to > get me started? > > I have built a Midi Access Layer (in VisualWorks) which layers over both > RtMidi and PortMidi, which I had working on Windows quite a while ago. This > maybe useful? > > Cheers, > > Stewart > > On Sun, May 15, 2022 at 11:48 PM Santiago Bragagnolo < > santiagobragagn...@gmail.com> wrote: > >> Hi all! >> In inria we are working with an student on the bindings of PortMIDI in >> Pharo, and having some exchanges with an italian Dj that uses pharo for >> live-performances (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBK0UpalBfk) >> >> We are trying to recover, in the long term the things in >> https://github.com/pharo-contributions/Sound, since there are awesome! >> >> If you have ideas feel free to share them! >> >> Santiago >> >> El dom, 15 may 2022 a las 6:07, Stewart MacLean (<stew...@xtra.co.nz>) >> escribió: >> >>> Hi all, >>> >>> Just wondering what the current state of interfaces to MIDI within Pharo >>> are? >>> >>> I gather that there was one (SoundScores that used primitives), but that >>> seems to have disappeared... >>> >>> Cheers, >>> >>> Stewart >>> >> >