Hi Santiago,

Thanks for this. My primary interest at the moment is interfacing with

The sound stuff looks interesting, even if it is not quite my cup of tea
music wise :)

How far has your student got with the PortMidi bindings? As a first step,
as I can get a precompiled library via homebrew I thought I'd start by
migrating my VisualWorks PortMidi bindings - are they able to share this to
get me started?

I have built a Midi Access Layer (in VisualWorks) which layers over both
RtMidi and PortMidi, which I had working on Windows quite a while ago. This
maybe useful?



On Sun, May 15, 2022 at 11:48 PM Santiago Bragagnolo <
santiagobragagn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all!
> In inria we are working with an student on the bindings of PortMIDI in
> Pharo, and having some exchanges with an italian Dj that uses pharo for
> live-performances (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBK0UpalBfk)
> We are trying to recover, in the long term the things in
> https://github.com/pharo-contributions/Sound, since there are awesome!
> If you have ideas feel free to share them!
> Santiago
> El dom, 15 may 2022 a las 6:07, Stewart MacLean (<stew...@xtra.co.nz>)
> escribió:
>> Hi all,
>> Just wondering what the current state of interfaces to MIDI within Pharo
>> are?
>> I gather that there was one (SoundScores that used primitives), but that
>> seems to have disappeared...
>> Cheers,
>> Stewart

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