Pattern?  I'd call it an antipattern myself.
Note that we can already construct
  { block1
  . block2
  . block3
and write
  { block1
  . block2
  . block3
  } allSatisfy: [:each | each value].
so we don't have to abuse the #, selector
or write a single new method to get the "flattened"
structure you're after.

  methods for: 'collections of blocks'
      ^self allSatisfy: [:each | each value]
      ^self anySatisfy: [:each | each value]
      ^self noneSatisfy: [:each | each value]

if you do feel like adding a few methods, whereupon
  { block1
  . block2
  . block3
  } allSatisfied

Didn't VW recently implement {} syntax natively?
Or was that VAST?

In all seriousness, when is it better to use
ComplexCondition than to rewrite?

On Wed, 16 Mar 2022 at 14:38, Hernán Morales Durand <> wrote:

> This is an interesting pattern.
> Thank you for sharing.
> Hernán
> El mar, 15 mar 2022 a las 4:43, Julián Maestri (<>)
> escribió:
>> Not satisfying the equality, but you can use polymorphism.
>> Block >> , aBlock
>>     ^ BlockCompositor andAll: OrderedCollection with: self with: aBlock
>> BlockCompositor >> #, aBlock
>>     conditions add: aBlock.
>> BlockCompositor >> value: anObject
>>     ^ conditions allSatisfy: [:e | e value: anObject ]
>> I don't really like the name BlockCompositor, but can't think of a better
>> name at the moment.
>> You could also implement logic for #or: using #+ and: #anySatisfy: for
>> example, but need to safeguard against mixing both conditions.
>> On Mon, 14 Mar 2022 at 22:29, Hernán Morales Durand <
>>> wrote:
>>> I think I saw a coding pattern a while ago that allows you to do the
>>> following:
>>> cond1 , cond2 , cond3 , cond4
>>> And providing a kind of folding selector condition #and: you would get:
>>> [ cond1 and: [ cond2 and: [ cond3 and: [ cond4 ] ] ] ].
>>> for example:
>>> conditions := [ : each | each firstName = 'Boca' ] ,
>>> [ : each | each lastName = 'Baret' ] ,
>>> [ : each | each fullName = 'Virgasia' ].
>>> such that the following assert is met:
>>> self assert: conditions equals: [ : each | each firstName = 'Boca' and:
>>> [ each lastName = 'Baret' and: [ each fullName = 'Virgasia' ] ] ].
>>> Any ideas or pointers?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Hernán

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