I think I saw a coding pattern a while ago that allows you to do the following:
cond1 , cond2 , cond3 , cond4 And providing a kind of folding selector condition #and: you would get: [ cond1 and: [ cond2 and: [ cond3 and: [ cond4 ] ] ] ]. for example: conditions := [ : each | each firstName = 'Boca' ] , [ : each | each lastName = 'Baret' ] , [ : each | each fullName = 'Virgasia' ]. such that the following assert is met: self assert: conditions equals: [ : each | each firstName = 'Boca' and: [ each lastName = 'Baret' and: [ each fullName = 'Virgasia' ] ] ]. Any ideas or pointers? Cheers, Hernán