Hi Esteban, Yes, I create Rossal shapes (including a custom PangoLabel) and then open the canvas using Morphic.
Interestingly if I use the command line pango-view to render to a file, the results are the same as Pharo. On Sat, Jan 29, 2022 at 9:59 PM Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@netc.eu> wrote: > Hi, > > Are you rendering your Cairo results inside a Morphic window? > > Esteban > On Jan 29 2022, at 8:42 am, Stewart Maclean <stew...@xtra.co.nz> wrote: > > > Hi, > > I am working on a proof of concept reimplementation of an application > developed in VisualWorks using Cairo and Pango. > > When I compare the renderings I see that the VisualWorks has a finer > grained resolution. > > Initially I thought is was to do with my anti aliasing settings, but upon > further investigation I'm wondering if it is because the VisualWorks uses > the Quartz backend. > > Please see the attached for a comparison - Pharo rendering using Cairo and > Pango on the left, VisualWorks using Cairo and Pango on the right. Notice > the almost double the number of "pixels". > > I've tried switching to using the Quartz Athens surface, but nothing gets > displayed. > > I would appreciate it if someone can confirm that my analysis is correct, > and that in order to get the better results I would need to hook up to the > Quartz backend? > > Thanks, > > Stewart > >