
I am working on a proof of concept reimplementation of an application developed 
in VisualWorks using Cairo and Pango.

When I compare the renderings I see that the VisualWorks has a finer grained 

Initially I thought is was to do with my anti aliasing settings, but upon 
further investigation I'm wondering if it is because the VisualWorks uses the 
Quartz backend.

Please see the attached for a comparison - Pharo rendering using Cairo and 
Pango on the left, VisualWorks using Cairo and Pango on the right. Notice the 
almost double the number of "pixels".

I've tried switching to using the Quartz Athens surface, but nothing gets 

I would appreciate it if someone can confirm that my analysis is correct, and 
that in order to get the better results I would need to hook up to the Quartz 



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