Hi Pierce,

I'm loading the stuff in the self Gitea repositories from local copies
and in the order I know they are needed. So in a sense I following a
similar behavior as yours (but I will use the `tonel:///` trick now when
needed, thanks for it).

My problem is with sharing my baseline with others to ease their
installation of the packages I develop, without using Git oligopolistic
providers (GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket), but instead self hosted
community Gitea instances.

From this thread, I imagine that the path to follow is to extend the
Metacello Git providers to include Gitea instances. I will see how the
current ones are implemented and what can I contribute using them as a
template for new providers and see how to contribute this back to Pharo
as a Metacello "plugin". I will share advances and questions here.



On 15/07/20 10:19 p. m., Pierce Ng wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 15, 2020 at 08:41:04AM -0500, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>> So, a better question would be: Is possible to load programatically (via
>> a code snippet) using Iceberg, Monticello or something else a baseline
>> that installs a project and its dependencies and is hosted in an
>> independent Git provider? How can self hosted git repositories
>> containing baselines be loaded?
> Hi Offray,
> I don't define dependencies in baselines for stuff in my self-hosted
> Gitea because I work on them myself and I know their interdependencies.
> And since I am working on them, they are all locally checked out.
> I load my stuff in the correct order like this:
>   Metacello new
>     baseline: 'StuffOne';
>     repository: 'tonel:///home/pierce/work/git/StuffOne/src';
>     load.
>   Metacello new
>     baseline: 'StuffTwo';
>     repository: 'tonel:///home/pierce/work/git/StuffTwo/src';
>     load.
> Here StuffTwo is dependent on StuffOne. To be clear, I have written
> baselines for StuffOne and StuffTwo, which is how I am loading them
> here. I'm just not defining in StuffTwo's baseline that StuffOne is a
> dependency.
> For me this is more agile because I only need to edit my load snippet
> and I get immediate feedback by running it.  The Git repo roundtripping
> of fixing up dependencies in baselines OTOH feels more like the
> edit-compile-test cycle.  Eventually if/when I publish StuffOne and
> StuffTwo, I do have to define the dependencies but it'll be easy because
> then they'll be on Github.
> Pierce

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