Thanks Guille,

The document you point was the one I was reading. But I thought that,
despite differences between Iceberg and Monticello, the last one would
be able to load baselines in a host-neutral Git repository, using https.

So, a better question would be: Is possible to load programatically (via
a code snippet) using Iceberg, Monticello or something else a baseline
that installs a project and its dependencies and is hosted in an
independent Git provider? How can self hosted git repositories
containing baselines be loaded?



On 15/07/20 2:46 a. m., Guillermo Polito wrote:
> Hi Offray,
> Metacello and Iceberg are different things, although there is some
> integration between them.
> Iceberg understand git urls (ssh:// …
> <> …. https://…)
> Metacello understand its own urls, because it was originally designed
> to work in independence of git (github:// bitbucket://…)
> You cannot use https:// or ssh:// urls in metacello.
> You can clone manually with Iceberg and then do a load through
> Iceberg’s UI.
> From the doc in here:
> The valid URLs are
> |{prefix}://{optionalHostname}:{owner}/{projectName}:{version}/{subFolder}|
> This snippet should be configured with:
>   * |{prefix}|: This is host-specific:
>       o |github| for github
>       o |bitbucket| for bitbucket
>       o |gitlab| for gitlab
> Cheers,
> Guille
>> El 14 jul 2020, a las 20:02, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
>> < <>> escribió:
>> HI.
>> I'm migrating my packages from StHub to a self hosted Gitea instance.
>> I have already a test |BaselineOf| hosted there and referring to
>> other self hosted repositories. I'm following the [Baselines
>> documentation](
>> for all this. But when I try to load the baseline from the
>> |beta/migration| branch running the code below, I get the message
>> |Could not resolve: BaselineOfGrafoscopio in
>> How can I load Baselines hosted in a branch inside a self hosted
>> Git/Gitea repository?
>> |Metacello new baseline: 'Grafoscopio'; repository:
>> '';
>> load |
>> |Thanks,|
>> ||
>> |Offray|
>> ||

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