Erik, I can't explain why this condition is holding (when a read is pending, closing the socket stream has no effect until the timeout expires, all client side).
I would stick with your solution: | server client | server := ZnWebSocket startServerOn: 1701 do: [ :webSocket | [ webSocket runWith: [ :message | Transcript show: 'Received message: ', message printString; cr ] ] on: ConnectionClosed, PrimitiveFailed do: [ "ignore close" ]. Transcript show: 'The server websocket is closed @ ' , DateAndTime now asString; cr ]. client := ZnWebSocket to: 'ws://localhost:1701'. [ [ client runWith: [ :message | "ignore received messages" ] ] on: ConnectionClosed, PrimitiveFailed do: [ "ignore close" ]. Transcript show: 'The client websocket is closed @ ' , DateAndTime now asString; cr. server stop ] fork. 10 milliSeconds wait. client sendMessage: 'Hello world! #' , 999 atRandom asString. "client close." "Workaround: use the following instead of 'client close'." client sendFrame: ZnWebSocketFrame close. { server. client }. I checked and no resources are lost at the end (the socket/stream gets cleaned up). I would lower the timeout in any case, 30s is way too long, I would go for 5s or 10s. Sven > On 5 Jun 2020, at 09:55, Erik Stel <> wrote: > > Hi Sven, > > (I hope this message does arrive. Sorry for the late reply. I have not been > able to use the browser-interface for the ML for a number of days now. An > admin could not figure this out either. So resorting to actually using a mail > ;-) > > My architecture is one in which client and server are working fairly > independent. A client or server can send the other a message whenever it > wants (and there is no response expected). The client is responsible for > setting up the connection and keeping it ‘open’ (for the server to reach the > client). When the client wants it can however disconnect and reconnect at a > later time. The server will still be there (this is not visible in the > example of course). Both client and server keep track of messages which can’t > be sent when the connection is (temporarily) down. > > So I have to have a separate process to read messages from the process that > writes messages to the WebSocket. In a test I discovered that closing the > connection from the client did not get noticed in the process doing the > reading. I’d like that process to stop running fairly directly since it is > performing some additional logic. Now it takes a timeout. Closing the > connection using the specified workaround does get noticed and works for me. > But I’m unsure if this is a good approach and there’s the risk it will not > work on a next update. A shorter timeout could be a solution but does mean > I’m going into a ‘polling’ mode. So I think I prefer my workaround over > setting a very short timeout. > > If you have a better solution though, please let me know. > > Kind regards, > Erik > >