THANK YOU, SVEN!  That totally worked!

It *didn’t* work when I tried to access the instance from a browser. (The curl 
to localhost did work.) I figured out that I also had to edit the AWS Security 
Groups to allow port 9090. But once I did that, I reached Pharo running on AWS 
from an external web browser!

I also discovered that the image that I thought I’d pre-loaded with Seaside and 
my code wouldn’t start with this process at all.  The job immediately quit.  I 
need to learn better how to load an image appropriately.  I’ll go back to the 
Enterprise book and learn about these scripts of yours.

Thank you!
 - Mark

> On May 28, 2020, at 6:16 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <> wrote:
> Mark,
> Make sure to use 64-bit (that is 64-bit Pharo on 64-bit Linux), it will make 
> your life much easier.
> Here is a short example:
> stfx@audio359:~$ mkdir pharo8
> stfx@audio359:~$ cd !$
> cd pharo8
> stfx@audio359:~/pharo8$ curl | bash
> % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
>                                Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
> 100  3054  100  3054    0     0  67866      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 69409
> Downloading the latest 80 Image:
> Pharo.image
> Downloading the latest pharoVM:
> pharo-vm/pharo
> Creating starter scripts pharo and pharo-ui
> stfx@audio359:~/pharo8$ nohup ./pharo Pharo.image eval --no-quit 'ZnServer 
> startOn: 9090' &
> [1] 84125
> nohup: ignoring input and appending output to 'nohup.out'
> stfx@audio359:~/pharo8$ curl http://localhost:9090/random
> CF4173824EF6E0D9F336E5464A5FACB8ABEFFD1A6EE7A5F9F6631186F619606
> stfx@audio359:~/pharo8$ jobs
> [1]+  Running                 nohup ./pharo Pharo.image eval --no-quit 
> 'ZnServer startOn: 9090' &
> stfx@audio359:~/pharo8$ kill %1
> [1]+  Terminated              nohup ./pharo Pharo.image eval --no-quit 
> 'ZnServer startOn: 9090'
> BTW, nohup is one way to keep something running after you log out (systemctl 
> services being the pro/real way)
> Is this not how it works out for you ?
> Sven
>> On 28 May 2020, at 23:15, Mark Guzdial <> wrote:
>> I did try without snap. That's when I was getting an error about being able 
>> to set a priority for a separate thread.  I don't have that verbatim.
>> Here's the content of the pharo script:
>> #!/usr/bin/env bash
>> # some magic to find out the real location of this script dealing with 
>> symlinks
>> DIR=`readlink "$0"` || DIR="$0";
>> DIR=`dirname "$DIR"`;
>> cd "$DIR"
>> DIR=`pwd`
>> cd - > /dev/null 
>> # disable parameter expansion to forward all arguments unprocessed to the VM
>> set -f
>> # run the VM and pass along all arguments as is
>> "$DIR"/"pharo-vm/pharo" --nodisplay  "$@"
>> ------
>> Mark Guzdial,
>>      • Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and
>> Engineering Education Research, College of Engineering and 
>> Professor of Information, School of Information (courtesy)
>>      • Blog: 
>> On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 4:08 PM Stéphane Ducasse <> 
>> wrote:
>> mark 
>> can you show us the contents of the pharo command because may be it is 
>> wrapping the Pharo command.
>> did you try without snap (no idea what is it). 
>> Did you the script of sven because they work without snap.
>> S
>>> On 28 May 2020, at 18:23, Mark Guzdial <> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> New here, encouraged (from Discord) to try my questions here.
>>> I’m struggling to get AWS to run in an Ubuntu AWS instance.  I tried 
>>> following the directions here: 
>>>  but I was getting some error about threads and configurations that I 
>>> simply didn’t understand. Then I tried using Pharo-snap: 
>>> Pharo-snap made some of the config problems go away, but when I try 
>>> starting Pharo on AWS, I get:
>>> ubuntu@ip-172-31-16-17:~$ ./pharo Pharo-sea-roa-sound.image
>>> Usage: [<subcommand>] [--help] [--copyright] [--version] [--list] [ 
>>> --no-quit ]
>>>     --help       print this help message
>>>     --copyright  print the copyrights
>>>     --version    print the version for the image and the vm
>>>     --list       list a description of all active command line handlers
>>>     --no-quit    keep the image running without activating any other 
>>> command line handler
>>>     --deploymentPassword   if a password needs to be used by the user to 
>>> launch the command
>>>     --readWriteAccessMode, --readOnlyAccessMode, --writeOnlyAccessMode, 
>>> --disabledAccessMode
>>>                  specify disk access mode, read-write mode as default
>>>     <subcommand> a valid subcommand in --list
>>>     Preference File Modification:
>>>     --preferences-file   load the preferences from the given <FILE>
>>>     --no-default-preferences    do not load any preferences from the 
>>> default locations
>>> Documentation:
>>> A PharoCommandLineHandler handles default command line arguments and 
>>> options.
>>> The PharoCommandLineHandler is activated before all other handlers. 
>>> It first checks if another handler is available. If so it will activate the 
>>> found handler.
>>> Clearly, I’m doing something wrong, but don’t know what the next step is, 
>>> since there isn’t an explicit error message.
>>> Can someone point a newbie towards the appropriate next steps?
>>> Thanks!
>>> - Mark
>> --------------------------------------------
>> Stéphane Ducasse
>> / 
>> 03 59 35 87 52
>> Assistant: Aurore Dalle 
>> FAX 03 59 57 78 50
>> TEL 03 59 35 86 16
>> S. Ducasse - Inria
>> 40, avenue Halley, 
>> Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Bât.A, Park Plaza
>> Villeneuve d'Ascq 59650
>> France

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