Hi Mark,

I can't help you with pharo-snap.

But the installation instructions from the Enterprise book, using the command 
line zero config tools, should still apply and work.

What exactly did go wrong ?


> On 28 May 2020, at 18:23, Mark Guzdial <mj...@umich.edu> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> New here, encouraged (from Discord) to try my questions here.
> I’m struggling to get AWS to run in an Ubuntu AWS instance.  I tried 
> following the directions here: 
> https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/EnterprisePharoBook/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/book-result/DeploymentWeb/DeployForProduction.html
>  but I was getting some error about threads and configurations that I simply 
> didn’t understand. Then I tried using Pharo-snap: 
> https://github.com/akgrant43/pharo-snap
> Pharo-snap made some of the config problems go away, but when I try starting 
> Pharo on AWS, I get:
> ubuntu@ip-172-31-16-17:~$ ./pharo Pharo-sea-roa-sound.image
> Usage: [<subcommand>] [--help] [--copyright] [--version] [--list] [ --no-quit 
> ]
>       --help       print this help message
>       --copyright  print the copyrights
>       --version    print the version for the image and the vm
>       --list       list a description of all active command line handlers
>       --no-quit    keep the image running without activating any other 
> command line handler
>       --deploymentPassword   if a password needs to be used by the user to 
> launch the command
>       --readWriteAccessMode, --readOnlyAccessMode, --writeOnlyAccessMode, 
> --disabledAccessMode
>                    specify disk access mode, read-write mode as default
>       <subcommand> a valid subcommand in --list
>       Preference File Modification:
>       --preferences-file   load the preferences from the given <FILE>
>       --no-default-preferences    do not load any preferences from the 
> default locations
> Documentation:
> A PharoCommandLineHandler handles default command line arguments and options.
> The PharoCommandLineHandler is activated before all other handlers. 
> It first checks if another handler is available. If so it will activate the 
> found handler.
> Clearly, I’m doing something wrong, but don’t know what the next step is, 
> since there isn’t an explicit error message.
> Can someone point a newbie towards the appropriate next steps?
> Thanks!
>  - Mark

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