Hi Erik,

> (Part of this I mentioned on Discord as well, but not all readers will be on
> Discord)

Yes I’ve just seen it and I remembered seeing your posts

> I'm working with a tiny Smalltalk image (currently around 150Kb) which
> contains basic classes (very similar to PharoCandle, but with the regular
> Smalltalk names without PC-prefix, see
> https://github.com/carolahp/PharoCandleSrc). It additionally supports
> WebSockets when used in combination with SqueakJS, but I'm working on a
> regular WebSocket-version for OpenSmalltalk-VM as well.
> The image has an ObjectEncoder/Decoder pair allowing the image to 'receive'
> encoded classes and methods from a regular Smalltalk image (bytcode only,
> since no compiler is present in the tine image). The tiny image can install
> these classes and use them. The current 'protocol' is to send messages to
> this tiny image and have the image send events back to the regular image.
> The tiny image (client) is responsible for making a connection with the
> regular image (server). But this protocol can be adjusted with newly
> installed classes of course ;-).

Cool this is the stuff I need to play with. How can I try ?

> My idea (dream?) is to create small cloud images for personal use, so you
> can run many on limited computing units.

Frankly this is my same goal, except I see them as « Information system node » 
of a distributed information system architecture ie. Computing units of 
information objects (often related to scripts btw).

So this is really really great what you achieved :)

> These images will not have file- or
> FFI-support

Ok. Indeed this would complicate for nothing. No FFI support but would some 
simple interaction wanted (I/o stream, small unix system call ?).

> and need to retrieve data through WebSocket/HTTP/... or other
> web communication technology. It is part of a project I'm working on to
> learn programming in Smalltalk to kids.


> They can spin up an image in the
> cloud (or on their Raspberry Pi at home) and load their code from a remote
> repository.

For me it would be spin a new information system and eventually link it with 
shared others (can be a remote repo). 

> The development environment will run in the cloud and be usable
> with a web browser. In the web browser runs a tiny image which can execu...o
> wait, I explained that part already ;-). So in the web browser this same
> tiny image is running (on SqueakJS). This time, it loads code to be able to
> manipulate the DOM. This tiny image is sort of the Javascript replacement.
> So everything is Smalltalk! :-)
> Still a long way to go though. I hope to be able to demonstrate a little of
> this in a not so distant future. I will share my code as well. Everything
> will be open source.

I’m really interested and love to help in some ways. So as far as you have 
info/tuto or other thinks, please tell me. Just be running it would be the 
first step.

Any pointers/repositories ?


> Feel free to reach out if anyone wants to participate. ;-)
> Regards,
> Erik
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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