Your critique is perfectly valid; I have no problem with it. Ben nicely
expanded on my point. Like I said, if I wanted to serve your purpose, then
yes, I'd make your video. Your critique would be very helpful.

This video didn't need a soundtrack either, but adding it made the video
immeasurably better:  Roassal3 <> 
. Ditto for this video:  We Are Smalltalk <>  .

This video has utter silence and it simply does not work for me:  Virtual
Reality Live at Thales with Pharo
<>  .

The purpose of my video is to drum up excitement for JRMPC. I'm trying to
make JRMPC a special "event." I'm trying to make JRMPC look like a cool
contest. I hope people will be drawn into exploring this event further and
be exposed to Smalltalk. Perhaps then they'll give Smalltalk a try.

If they know nothing about Smalltalk, showing them the Pharo IDE in action
will have very little meaning. That's why I didn't do it. It didn't fit my

I could be wrong, but I think a lot of people think this competition is
pretty cool. Mission accomplished.

Richard O'Keefe wrote
> There doesn't need to *be* a soundtrack.  Everyone can handle silence,
> no?  What purpose *does* the current video serve?
> On Mon, 24 Feb 2020 at 07:42, horrido &lt;

> horrido.hobbies@

> &gt; wrote:
>> My video serves one purpose; your video serves another. If I wanted to
>> serve
>> your purpose, then yes, I'd make your video.
>> As to the sound track, the truth is, you can't choose one that appeals to
>> everyone. Musical tastes vary. I have no doubt that regardless of my
>> choice,
>> somebody will always have an issue with it.
>> Richard O'Keefe wrote
>> > This is meant to be constructive, but won't seem that way at first.
>> >
>> > (1) The sound track very nearly drove me away in the first few seconds.
>> > I'm deadly serious about that.  I'm not on the spectrum, but my elder
>> > daughter is, and sensory sensitivities are very common amongst ASD
>> > people.  I'm rather sensitive to noise myself.  Now if the sound track
>> > were *relevant* to the message, I'd put up with it, but I can't for the
>> > life of me see any connection between the sound track banging away
>> > and what's happening on the screen.
>> >
>> > (2) Above all, it was a *missed opportunity*.  Here was the chance to
>> > add a narration telling us what we are seeing and what it all *means*.
>> > Something not unlike Code Bullet, maybe?
>> >
>> >
>> > (3) I don't give a tinker's curse for the score.  It's just a number
>> > without
>> > any context.  The scores for *all* the teams might be more interesting.
>> > The numbers that really matter are TIME, EFFORT, and SIZE.  How
>> > long did it take each team?  How much code did they end up with?  How
>> > much were they able to re-use?  How many false starts had to be thrown
>> > away?
>> >
>> > (4) The other missed opportunity was the chance to show some of the
>> > Pharo IDE in action.  Click on a cell, bring up the halo, explore the
>> > data structure, show some code, jump around in it.
>> >
>> > As it is, this clip shows me
>> >  - unknown code
>> >  - solving an unfamiliar problem
>> >  - written by people I know nothing about
>> >  - using unknown tools
>> >  - with no evidence that Smalltalk helped in any way.
>> >
>> > If I were a Blub programmer, I'd probably ignore this
>> > completely.  At best, I'd look for the problem specification,
>> > then say "who cares, I can do that easily in Blub".
>> >
>> > If you want to show that Smalltalk is the best thing since
>> > sliced cheese, you have to show that *Smalltalk* is relevant
>> > in some way.
>> >
>> >
>> > On Sun, 23 Feb 2020 at 03:53, Richard Kenneth Eng
>> > &lt;
>> > horrido.hobbies@
>> > &gt; wrote:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> This time, the teams must deal with Jump cells, Warp cells, and Death
>> >> cells. If you land on a Death cell, you die and the simulation
>> >> terminates.
>> >>
>> >> Next week is the most exciting round yet. Multiple teams will be
>> >> competing on the same board! This will look so damn cool on YouTube.
>> >>
>> >> Richard
>> --
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