> A Form is a rectangular of pixel.
I don't understand. What is a "rectangular of a pixel"?

> You can create a Morph around a form with:
Don't you mean "convert  a [Form] to a [Morph] object"? What do you mean by
"create a Morph around a form"?

On Sun, Feb 23, 2020 at 7:47 PM K K Subbu <kksubbu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 24/02/20 2:00 AM, Steve Quezadas wrote:
> > [Morph], from what I understand, deals with manipulating graphics on
> > smalltalk. But when I use ZnEasy to get a jpeg file, I notice that it
> > returns a [Form] and not a [Morph] to display a jpeg. Spec2 also wants
> > [Form] for displaying images rather than [Morph].
> >
> > So what is the difference between a [Form] and a [Morph] since they both
> > seem to deal with graphics?
> A Form is a rectangular of pixel. Essentially, a picture. You can create
> a Morph around a form with:
>    aForm asMorph openInHand.
> A Morph is the basic unit of Morphic GUI - a live, direct editor of
> objects. An excellent short tutorial about it is at:
> http://stephane.ducasse.free.fr/freebooks/collectivenbluebook/morphic.final.pdf
> HTH .. Subbu

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