> It is your initiative, you should know, nobody asked you to do it Well, that's a peculiar attitude. There are many, many programming language evangelists and I don't think anybody "asked" them to do it. They do it for the love of the language.
I hear what you're saying, and I understand fully. I just don't agree with it entirely. I think it's short-sighted. Smalltalk has long been criticized for being a secluded island, and now you want to do the same for Pharo? Even as I try to build bridges to the island? You could ban everybody from this forum who aren't focussed 100% on Pharo and you'd have a much smaller community. You could ban everybody who is a Smalltalker. The result is a much more tightly focussed forum, clean and free from distractions. Fine. But what is the long-term cost? Smalltalk evangelism would come to an end. Why? Because frankly nobody is interested in the other Smalltalks. Pharo is where all the action is. And without Smalltalk evangelism, I don't see a path for Pharo becoming more than a niche language. Pharo doesn't show up an *any* language popularity index. At least Clojure, Erlang/Elixir, and Haskell are in the top 30 in several places. At Indeed, there are 18 job postings in the United States that mention Smalltalk, and none for Pharo. Even Clojure has 404, Erlang has 274, and Haskell has 519, pathetic though these numbers are. Yes, I also understand that there are many Pharoers who don't care about remaining niche. That's a tragedy. I would rather not have wasted the last five years of my life. -- Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html