Hi, Do we have an external workspace with a deterministic save feature. I looked at the catalog but found none,
Both Workspace and Playground fall short. Workspace save file with 0 byte of content! Playground, with my experience with student, is absolutely not reliable to save script, its auto-save feature always results in lost of code. Particularly when combined with its rename and its inexplicit save behaviour. It is not practical to edit script and save code. I will start a second round of coding with students (12-14 yrs old) and I need them to save their code. The only viable option I see is to ask them to copy and to past their code in an external editor ! It will be a mess for sure and waste of time and energy. Any alternative idea or option I failed to see ? Hilaire ----- http://drgeo.eu -- Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html