> Am 10.01.20 um 15:42 schrieb horrido:
>>> So let's stop trying to convince people with things that mattered some 
>>> 20 years ago. Even the function point thingie we keep carrying in front 
>>> of our bellies (Capers-Jones was it?) is a lie when you want to build an 
>>> application for today's markets.
>> I disagree that it's a lie. The study is based on thousands of projects
>> and
>> millions of lines of code over a period of several decades, including
>> recent
> Well, naming it a "lie" is perhaps too strong - but Joachim (did you
> have a bad Smalltalk day ?????) statement is from my point of view
> correct - this talking about function point and productivity is an
> academic point.

Not so academic. After all, the study was based on a huge number of software 
projects for dozens of programming languages over many years. It doesn't get 
any more practical than that.

The analysis was simplified by adopting the "function points" model which 
provides a level playing field for all the languages. It's about the amount
time needed to do a certain amount of work, whether that work is specific to
a few domains or to many. Some people may take issue with the analysis, but
it's there for your consideration at any rate.

Since there is no other study of its kind in the world, I choose to use it
in my
advocacy. Readers can make their own judgement.

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