Which rant is that???

To me, what's really nice is the supremely simple language *and* the easily
accessible programming environment *and* live coding *and* metaprogramming
*and* the functional aspect (lambdas). It's not just one thing. It's the
synergy that comes from the totality.

However, there's no question that Smalltalk isn't perfect. There is
certainly room for improvement, as you point out. But if there is a
programming language that can come closer to perfection, I don't know what
it is. And I've used a lot of languages.

Such is the current state of affairs.

Kasper Osterbye wrote
> This rant states once again that in Smalltalk everything is an object.
> Alas, it is not (but should). This is a shortlist of things which is
> currently not objects in smalltalk:
> * Message categories
> * Class categories (there is something called packages, which is rather
> useful as they are actually objects, but they are not really done nicely -
> manifest and RPackage???)
> * The virtual machine (there is only one singleton thingie)
> * The screen (there is only one why can one not instantiate more than one
> world - I guess it is somewhat possible when we get gtk).
> * Projects as (as in collection of objects).
> I happened to learn Simula before Smalltalk (I am Scandinavian after all).
> When I program in Smalltalk I for sure miss nested classes and other
> block-structured things.
> I happened to learn Beta (successor to Simula) before Smalltalk. I miss
> being able to define virtual classes - but it is moot as there is no block
> structure.
> To me, what really is nice about Smalltalk is NOT the language - it is the
> image and live programming. And I can get around all the problems with the
> language because of it. I miss:
> * Nested name spaces - when we finally get around to it, please do not do
> just one level.
> * Singular objects with behaviour I can write in a few lines (a single
> object overriding one or a few methods)
> * A simple switch/case statement
> * …
> But despite all this, I find programming in smalltalk much more fulfilling
> than any other thing I ever touched.
> Best,
> Kasper

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