Couldn't resist entering this doubtful CoC thread, just to enter a few lines and then I am gone again.
One doesn't need a Code of Conduct. It is ridiculous. Civilized and respectful non discriminating behaviour should be implicit in everyone of us! If one insists in having a code of conduct than this should cover it all: "Be Nice, Social And Respectful To Each Living Being." (at times this is not easy) If this is too complicated for one to understand and not enough to stay on the right track, then know that there already are "CoC"s on an encompassing higher scope: by constitutional law: In most civilized democratic countries and also the European Union the primary laws (constitutions) offer protection of citizens against any form of discrimination and primitive harassment. If one would have the opinion that these constitutional laws are not good enough and/or that these laws are not completely respected then I'd suggest to take part in democratic processes to improve this situation. If one cannot obey these laws, then, for example: -Move to a country e.g. with an undemocratic, human rights ignoring government, mostly dictatorial ones, which might suit one's anti social discriminating behaviour better. (probably the most ultimate environment to get acquainted with one's own shortcomings) -try to be more emphatic, this world is overpopulated, with high stress levels, an incredibly fast changing environment, where empathy and social behaviour are more important than ever. Ergo: In short if one harasses, discriminates people, one is violating the law. There is no place for this on forums, There is no place for this anywhere in a civilized world. As stated in the European constitution: "The Union's values. The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. These values are common to the Member States in a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail" This is written on page 17 art: I-2 in After this I will only enter this forum with IT / Smalltalk related themes. That is the purpose of this forum. Kind Regards. TedvG -- Sent from: