On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 2:11 AM James Foster <smallt...@jgfoster.net> wrote:

> One side-effect of the “Covenant” discussion is that it is necessarily
> political, which is something that many (rightly, in my view) are trying to
> avoid. While I agree with most of the views expressed so far, I cringe
> because I anticipate that someone who disagrees will feel the compulsion to
> tell us that we are wrong, and things will go bad from there.
> I haven’t reviewed the full email chain, but I’ve spent a few minutes
> searching pharo.org for “code of conduct” and “covenant” and come up
> empty. Before we continue the discussion of how “woke" (politically
> correct) we want to be, could someone confirm that this "dastardly deed"
> (imposing a progressive “Covenant” without asking for agreement) was
> actually done? Maybe a troll has just dropped a fire cracker on us and is
> sitting back, enjoying watching us run around screaming!
> If there was, indeed, adoption of a “Covenant” it should have been done by
> the board whose role “is to make decisions if in the future the community
> can't decide on a course of action” (https://pharo.org/about).
> I suggest that we *suspend discussion* of the politics of speech codes
> until we confirm that there is one for Pharo. At that point we politely
> (but pointedly) ask the board (publicly and privately) to explain what
> prompted the decision to adopt a Code (is it really necessary?) and how
> this one was selected. Note that part of the reason for limiting discussion
> is to avoid attracting attention of outsiders who will want to shape the
> discussion. Let’s stop kicking up dust for the moment!
Dear James,
I'm the one who submit the PR for the CoC. Similar text are adopted by a
lot of open-source communities or conferences in order to enhance diversity.
I read again this morning the document here:
and for me this quite neutral and I see nothing political here.
I agree with you that this kind of document should have been discussed by
the Pharo board and you can propose it for the next meeting.

I'm a bit suprised by some overeactions here on the mailing-list.
Apparently the Pharo community will be soon be doomed or under attack of
nasty leftist activists ...
But I will not discuss endlessly about that.

> If we need a Code of Conduct, I respectfully suggest we start with ACM (
> https://www.acm.org/code-of-ethics) which has what should be adequate
> anti-discrimination provisions (see 1.4 for a list of “underrepresented”
> groups) to satisfy the progressives among us.
Thank you James to move the discussion on github.

Serge Stinckwic

Int. Research Unit
 on Modelling/Simulation of Complex Systems (UMMISCO)
Sorbonne University
French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD)
niversity of Yaoundé I, Cameroon
"Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for
machines to execute."

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