
the Pharo community is growing and our lovely Pharo system is an innovation 
driver with cool tools and projects 
but it is also used in real projects in research and business setups.

There are still many entries left on all our TODO lists - not only in shaping 
the next stable Pharo release(s) 
but also in bringing more attention to people about what Pharo is all about.

A few of us already follow a well know marketing phrase: “Do good and talk 
about it!” as some report about Pharo news
in BLOGS, on TWITTER or by writing articles on MEDIUM.com or even books. I also 
like that we have a growing number
of YOUTUBE videos about Pharo. We also have a regular Newsletter - even a 
Facebook page, ...

This gives visibility to Pharo activities and is already a good step in doing 
some advertising.

An additional important lesson in successful marketing is that one has to give 
a homogenous "Brand Identity" to a project or product
to be easily recognizable and rememberable over time. We already have the nice 
lighthouse and use it all over - but often it 
is hard to find the logo or other marketing material in correct size or correct 
graphics format. We should improve on that side

As we work mostly with git I therefore now have setup a new organization 


that should give easy access and group existing branding material in one place.

The site now already includes the following three projects:

   1. pharo-brand-material
      This should be the place for "logo" and "logo-flat". In the 
subdirectories you will find the logo in three different

         - logo composed of text + icon + beacon
         - logo composed of icon + beacon
         - logo beacon only
       including subdirectories for "vector" (like SVG, PDF) and "screen" 
formats (like PNG, BMP, ...)

   2. pharo-github-images

      These are the Icons i created for the various github organizations like

         - https://github.com/pharo-project
         - https://github.com/pharo-nosql
         - https://github.com/pharo-rdbms
         - https://github.com/pharo-contributions
         - https://github.com/pharo-brand

      and a template for additional ones 

   3. pharo-jingle

     A jingle is a short song or tune used in advertising. Jingles are a form 
of sound and or video branding - when you see it often
     as an intro or outro you will more easily remember the brand name (Pharo 
in this case).

     This repository includes a "Pharo jingle" that can be used as a start or 
end section within own custom videos about Pharo and 
     related projects.

     The short video jingle was created using a free video software called 
OpenShot using a sound jingle from freesound.org

         - Pharo_HDV720_24p_1280x720.mp4
         - Pharo_HDV1080_25p_1920x1080.mp4
         - Pharo_HDV1440_25p_1440x1080.mp4

     Note that the jingle is currently a proposal - if you have better ones we 
can discuss it within the community on the mailinglist.

I hope the repos will improve a little bit the situation in finding and 
organizing the brand material.
Feel free to comment and give feedback or even add marketing material 
(templates, icons or other) yourself to the repos.


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