There are some spelling issues in the PDF one finds at the Newton-Raphson link. "bellow" and "below" mean different things and sound quite different (BELL-owe vs b'-LOW). In "In the sketch bellow" the one you want is "below". "bloc" and "block" sound the same but also mean different things, and the Smalltalk [...] forms are "blocks" not "blocs".
Is writing these interactive documents as much work as it looks like? On Sat, 27 Jul 2019 at 17:59, Hilaire <> wrote: > Hi Trygve, > > Personal programming is something I always been fascinated by, since > decades, to empower users. > > In the domain of teaching, the concept can go as far as giving the > ability to teachers to craft their own numeric tools in their respective > area. > > This is for this exact reason I ported DrGeo to Squeak, then Pharo, in > 2005. The end user programming gives the power to design very advanced > teaching models[1]. > > However, Smalltalk scripting can be tricky, so this is with profound > interest I will read your paper in the later days. > > Hilaire > > [1] > > Le 25/07/2019 à 11:29, Trygve a écrit : > > The final draft of my magnum opus about Personal Programming is now > > ready for review: > > > > -- > Dr. Geo > > > > >