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Hi Hilaire
I downloaded latest Dr Geo and took a quick look at how the files are saved.
It looks like the xml contents are not encoded (in UTF-8) but simply written to
a binary write stream, which means that when a WideString is written you should
consistently get a badly encoded file.
You could test this out by changing this code
DrGDirectoryLocal>>put: stream into: filename
(location asFileReference / filename) ensureDelete
binaryWriteStreamDo: [ :fileStream |
fileStream nextPutAll: stream contents]
to rather be:
DrGDirectoryLocal>>put: stream into: filename
(location asFileReference / filename) ensureDelete
writeStreamEncoded: 'utf-8'
do: [ :fileStream | fileStream nextPutAll: stream contents ]
When I made this modification it worked for me i.e. the file was readable and
correctly encoded.
On 24 Jul 2019, at 21:07, Hilaire <hila...@drgeo.eu> wrote:
stream := WriteStream on: (String new: 4000).
DrGeoXml new
app: self app;
saveOn: stream.
DrGeoXml>>saveOn: stream
| doc writer root |
doc := XMLDocument new version: '1.0'.
writer := XMLWriter on: stream.
root := XMLElement named: #drgenius.
self writeFigureAsXmlTo: root.
doc addElement: root.
doc printXMLOn: writer.
The stream is passed to the XMLWriter, then it goes down to each items
of the sketch to write its own XML node.
For example, to write its basic information as its name, where I have issue:
writeAsXmlTo: aNode
"return the newly created element"
| node |
self rehash.
node := XMLElement named: self basicType attributes: Dictionary new.
node attributeAt: #type put: self nodeType;
attributeAt: #name put: (name ifNil: ['']);
attributeAt: #id put: self hash asString.
self writeParentsAsXmlTo: node.
aNode addElement: node.
This code is as is since about 2005-2007
I will dig in it but it is strange.
Le 24/07/2019 à 18:45, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit :
> But how do you write it to a file then ?
> FileLocator desktop / 'hilaire.xml' writeStreamDo: [ :out | out << 'Les
> élèves Françaises ont 10 €' ].
> (FileLocator desktop / 'hilaire.xml') contents.
> ">> 'Les élèves Françaises ont 10 €'"
Dr. Geo
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