Hi Offray,

Yes, I definitely agree with you that Lua does not have the nice development
environment of Pharo (what other language does?), and is very bare-bones, as
it was originally intended for embedded applications.  I've gone through
nearly all of the online version of the Pharo MOOC now, and the ease of
building a web app with Pharo+Seaside is /amazing/.  (That's reason enough
to adopt Pharo!)  I'm now looking at Spec and how to work with that to make
GUI apps.  I can't do web apps in Lua, nor is there a GUI in Lua.

For that matter, with Lua there is no interaction with the OS, no sockets,
and very minimal file system interaction (that's actually built into Lua --
it doesn't even know what a directory is).  All of these capabilities can be
had in Lua, but they must be provided by external libraries -- even the
ability to interact via a terminal command line is typically done via a
small C app that wraps a Lua "state".  Lua is tiny.  Tiny, but powerful.

So I see that as an advantage, and a compliment to Pharo.  Seaside may be an
external library to Pharo, but much of "the rest" is built-in, and comes
with a nice OS/IDE to wrap it all up and keep things together.  Did not
Smalltalk-80 invent the concept of a container, which is becoming all the
rage in IT today?  Yet another first for ST..?

So I guess that's my beginner impression of Pharo: a great environment that
lives in a container.  (I'm learning how to implement containers and
implement /in/ containers now, too.)  How easy is it to cross that boundary
and interact with the rest of the world?  Maybe another way Lua and Pharo
are dissimilar?

Example: I automate hardware... Can I use Pharo to interact with
instrumentation over USB?


Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2 wrote
> Hi t,
> Yes, I know that Lua support OOP, with several implementations and using
> metatables. I have not looked in detail. But the idea of shared
> similarities while being at opposite extremes of the programming
> spectrum/experience is more related with both sharing minimalist
> concepts applied everywhere (objects and messages for Pharo, tables and
> functions for Lua), but one provided a full IDE/GUI and being tied with
> a programming paradigm, which makes it great for agile prototyping,
> while the other offers just the bare minimum and you arm your puzzle
> from there regarding tools, paradigms, which makes it great for embedding.
> Cheers,
> Offray

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