Richard, Question from someone still fairly new to Smalltalk:
To implement the example you gave regarding mutually recursive functions in Lua, one must write something like this: local f, g function g () <do something> f() <do something> end function f () <do something> g() <do something> end where the initial declaration of f & g as locals defines an f such that g will see it (as a local, albeit containing nil) when g is defined. The following definition of f doesn't require this, of course. And g doesn't care what f contains -- until execution time. Both Lua and Smalltalk implement full lexical closures, so it begs the question: Do the blocks defined in your example have this same issue? What is 'g' in the block assigned to f? Is it required that 'g' be lexically defined prior to referencing it in a block closure, or does Smalltalk have a mechanism to resolve this at execution time? Thanks, -Ted -- Sent from: