Hi Sven
-launched the original image again.
-dragged the Pharo window to almost full screen, (4K) 

  it then gets redrawing problems: 
  - drawing the window contents partly 
  - and in the wrong places
  and after a short time then freezes again.
  Exactly the same symptoms as described previously in this thread in 2017.

I tried this several times: launching Pharo with the original pristine
dragging the window bigger, hitting the green bullet + option key etc. 

I have no idea why. frustrating. want to get things done with Pharo.

Is pharo tested on 4K macs and/or mac mini with 4K screens?
so on anything with this resolution?

Does Pharo or the VM emit a post-mortem log/dump file? cannot find any. 

All other apps run without problems and Pharo 5 did also run OK.


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